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Teaching Ancient Greek as an extra-curricular activity since 1994.

From Logic to…logo!

By Eugenia Manolidou

Today we will discuss a very important word, one that has so many meanings: “Logos” (λόγος).

It can be translated as: word, sentence, speech, story, debate, utterance, argument, reason, consideration, computation, reckoning, an account, explanation, narrative, wisdom, or even the word of God!

But what does it mean?

From word and speech to the expression of thoughts and ideas, let’s see how “Logos” (λόγος) in Ancient Greek encompasses all these diverse meanings.

One of its most important interpretations is as reason and rationality, and the ability to have logical thought. In philosophy, Heraclitus, the great Greek Pre-socratic philosopher, associates “logos” with a cosmic principle governing the universe, something like a transcendent and divine quality.

This idea of “logos” continued in the philosophy of Stoicism and the merging of Greek philosophy with Judeo-Christian traditions… and so “logos” is found in the first sentence of the Book of the Gospels.

In mathematics, “logos” represents ratio and proportion, symbolizing order. It can also be the idea of an account or explanation, serving a discourse or argument, like something used in a courtroom or a debate.


And amazingly today we still use “logos” in many ways!

“Logic” (λογική – loyikí), the use of critical thinking, comes directly from it. A “logo” visually embodies a brand essence or idea. “Ecology” combines “house” (οἶκος – écos) and “logos,” to show how to study how organisms relate to their environment. “Eulogy” and “apology” trace back to praising and defense. Everyday words like “dialogue,” “prologue,” and “biology” showcase this linguistic evolution.

These examples illustrate how λόγος – lόgos transcends time, impacting philosophy, science, branding, and communication…making it a perfect ancient Greek Word of the Week!
