The Idea
Elliniki Agogi is an idea. The word “idea” comes from the infinitive of the aorist of the verb ὀρῶ: ἰδεῖν, ἰδέα, idea.
This is how we envision in the future, all Greeks, children and adults, to love Ancient Greek, to study it and read the ancient texts from the original, thus coming closer to the treasure of our History and Culture, the legacy of our ancestors, «a possession for all time»
The Work
Elliniki Agogi was created to promote the ancient greek Spirit and Culture and the values they represent. Our aim is to continue:
•The creation of modern methods of learning and teaching Ancient Greek.
•The strengthening of educational programs about Greek Culture in its timelessness, customs and
•The spread of the humanistic ideas of the Greek spirit through the texts of ancient Greek literature.

The Actions
In Elliniki Agogi’s classes since 1994, we connect:
• Ancient Greek Culture
• History
• Philosophy
through the Language and bring them to our times so that our students understand the continuity of our ancient civilization.
Αpart from the weekly Ancient Greek classes, our actions also extend to other areas:
Digital Platform
Since 2017, all our programs are also offered online through a specialized educational platform that enables children and adults to watch the courses any day and time.
Summer Program
Every summer in the special thematic all-day program (summer camp), students are taught the History of country and the characteristics of our Culture in the places where some of the most important events in world history took place.
The “Athena Pallas“ Project
Since 2021 we started supporting the schools of the Diaspora a special program of Ancient Greek language, Mythology and History courses, thus connecting students of third and fourth generation of the Greek Diaspora, with Greece, on a weekly basis. This way, the children are connected with greek culture through Elliniki Agogi throughout the whole year, thus strengthening the program of modern Greek that is already being taught.
We create our own educational material according to our students’ needs.
We invite professors from Greece and abroad in order to further strengthen our school’s program.
Connection with foreign countries
We connect our students with students from other countries in order to show the global interest in our language. Belgium 2019, China 2021, Italy 2022.
We participate in international conferences organized by educational institutions Euroclassica Split 2021, “Monsters in the classroom – Latin and Greek at primary school“, Delphi Classics – Classics in Praxis, Living and believing Greek.
The Awards
Turning IDEA into REALITY
The survival and longevity of Elliniki Agogi depend to a great extent on the spontaneous and selfless support of several friends and associates. Regarding the actions of Elliniki Agogi, in which we not only spread new teaching methods in Greece and abroad, but generously transfer the knowledge of centuries to children and adults with courses, seminars, independent lectures and trips, we need your support. Bigger or smaller, we need it.
Εάν θέλετε να συνεισφέρετε στην υποστήριξη των δράσεών μας, στην προώθηση της έρευνας των καθηγητών μας, στην επιτυχία των πολιτιστικών πρωτοβουλιών και της καθημερινής διδακτικής πρακτικής της Σχολής μας μπορείτε να καταθέσετε την ενίσχυσή σας με έναν από τους τρόπους που βλέπετε εδώ: